Van Common has given my back the wings it needed with "Olympia" an aptly named dream pop track that flies for the skies, burns its wings and like a phoenix of synth-wave fantasy, explodes into a bema of heaven's light.
When Dream pop hits right, when it hits you like an intervention, like an angel's touch, it hits with a grace unmatched in the pantheon of sound and Van Common has come down from their throne, touched our foreheads and created a sound that paints itself over our ears like a Michelangelo painting - the track whispers and announces at just the right time, every time and it's a glorious experience.
Van Common has gone from the Elysium fields of shoegaze with EP's like "Time is a Dream" to the heavens of light with "Olympia" and I'm so glad they can be drenched in Van Common's Synth Sermons