Rising pop singer Noelle delivers a beautiful vocal performance in her latest record, “Shades of Blue.” Her latest effort opens up with a subtle ambiance, an airy piano followed by the sweet emotive tone of her voice. In a very vulnerable approach, Noelle speaks about the side effects of a broken heart, reminiscent of an ex-lover,
“I thought that you were it, but I never knew that I was just a body, nothing more to you Now I’m sitting in this room 50 shades of blue, shades of blue”
Noelle, only 19-years old, carries a very mature perspective through her music which reflects the darkness she sees in the modern world. She began singing when she was just a kid and got her start via YouTube, generating a large following to date of 94.2K subscribers from her unique covers of classic records. Turning the tide toward her own music, she is now cultivating her fanbase through thought-provoking lyrics and moving melodies. Make sure you check out her latest work, “Shades of Blue.”