In 2019, Ohio native, Travis Rue began his solo project journey with The Satellite Station. Coming from POP roots, the new project offers a softer, more intimate side of the artist, blending his background with a new FOLK style sound. With incredibly clear song-writing sensibilities and excellent musicianship, deeply-haunting lyrics intertwine perfectly with beautifully written guitar melodies, accompanied by a somber yet hopeful chord progression on piano, to tell a story that is relatable and feels very personal. COME HOME is a story about the end of a relationship, only, from the perspective of someone who is not quite willing to let go.
We have all had that feeling of knowing something is missing, but not being ready to give up. With lyrics such as “I will hold my breath til’you come home” Rue shows introspection and tenderness, which serves the story well.
Listen to more from The Satellite Station here: