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  • Writer's pictureNicholas Zallo

UK R&B trap fusion on Solo Jane – Why Me? ft Hars Hozé

A dark and seductive new single from Bristol, UK singer-songwriter Solo Jane whose new single ‘Why Me?’ infuses R&B and trap with the compelling.

Features rap artist Harts Hozé and produced by Mat-e-Rich, the single ensures you understand Solo Jane as an artist in her own right, ‘Why Me’ is led by Crafted with a bulletproof hook, Solo Jane’s compelling signature blend of sincerity on ‘Why Me’ reveals the vocal strength she possesses in being able to deliver her vibrant messages.  

“The inspiration for Why Me came after a long week of constant let downs by close friends followed by the all too familiar excuses that come with them. Combined with that feeling of dread you feel when every move you make seems to be the wrong one. I guess I had finally reached my peak of frustration and anger. It is is dedicated to anyone who ever feels that moment of ultimate annoyance that they just want to scream and go crazy! Whilst also understanding that although people may act in a way to cause hurt, and not every move you make will be the correct step forward, that in the end you will win and people’s actions won’t go unnoticed”, she continued.

Solo Jane’s attitude and energy culminate to make her one of the most promising emerging vocalists of 2020. Stream the single via Soundcloud below, or via SpotifyAmazon and Apple Music.

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