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Writer's pictureNicholas Zallo

World Goes Round Release Sensational Debut Album

World Goes Round set out to school us on the timeless sound of the eighties as they burst onto the current music scene with their recent, self-titled album ‘World Goes Round’. Made up of Frank Musker, Elizabeth Lamers, Jeff Hull and Marty Walsh, the band boasts an overwhelmingly impressive roster of collaborations between them – Chaka Khan, Queen and Quincy Jones to name but a few of an incredibly well-renowned list. Having collaborated all the way back in 1989, the stars just couldn’t align for all four industry titans. For a host of reasons, whether personal or contractual, this musical treasure chest has languished forgotten, or more importantly, unheard for more than thirty years. Whilst we may not be the biggest fan of the recent lockdowns, we can all be grateful that due to the unwavering boredom and free time we’ve all trudged through, the dusty cassette was finally found and World Goes Round were back in business. Where their legacy may lie in the songs they wrote that shaped the industry back in the day, the album that is only just seeing the light of day might just be their legendary legacy that will shape the music scene today. Reviving a relevance that will rocket them into the realm of stardom once again, World Goes Round’s recent album is utter musical magic.

As the mind behind the music from the likes of Prince, Barbra Streisand and Mark Rohnson, Tommy Vicari has mixed and mastered each song from cassette and as such each track on their recent album is swimming with the soulful, synth-based sounds of the eighties. Opening with the effortlessly energetic first track, ‘Rebel Heart’, World Goes Round immediately showcase the outstanding vocal and emotional range of the groups vocalists Frank Musker and Elizabeth Lamers. Fusing the fundamental funk of eighties disco with a refreshingly relevant twist, ‘Great Talker’ is an undeniably danceable groove. Rooted in the classic synth stabs and pulsing drums of the ’80s, ‘Big House’ translates through the changing of stylistic seasons within popular music. With its’ central theme around the devastating destruction of climate change, World Goes Round is the epitome of ahead of your time. Seriously, they were ‘woke’ before we knew what that meant and were calling us to arms before we knew what we had to fight for.

The whole album is rich with a vibrant throwback feel, whilst standing firm the modern musical landscape we all know today. If anything good has come out of the recent lockdown, World Goes Round’s hidden back catalogue finally seeing the light of day might just be at the top of our list.

Check out World Goes Round on FACEBOOK | INSTAGRAM | YOUTUBE


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